
Printing in red from Adobe Acrobat PDF's

We seem to be seeing a bug in Adobe Acrobat 8.1.2 where printing a PDF from within Acrobat Reader prints out with red backgrounds on images with certain documents, it may be in conjuction with HP printers. But we've only seen 3 cases in various offices so it's hard to be certain of that at the moment.

There doesn't seem to be a fix that we've found at the moment, so we recommend as a temporary solution until it is fixed by Adobe is to either downgrade to an earlier version or to use an alternative PDF viewer.


Can't cut and paste or "Cannot empty the clipboard" in Excel

Seems rdpclip.exe misbehaves occasionally, preventing use of the "copy" function (via Ctrl+C or menu) in Windows or Office 2003

The temporary solution seems to be to kill the rdpclip.exe process. To do this go to the Start button and click Run. Then type

taskkill /F /IM rdpclip.exe

There is a hotfix for Windows 2003 server to prevent this, but in this instance there was no connection to a Win 2003 server, it was a Windows XP computer that was acting as the server being connected to.


Website backup script

The attached zip contains a very simple script that uses WinSCP , FI and 7-Zip to backup a website via FTP to the local machine.  It first downloads the entire site to the directory it was run from, 7-Zips it to the output directory, deletes the temporary copy and then checks the output directory for backups older than 30 days and deletes them.

Latest Global Address Book (OAB) not showing correctly in Outlook

After updates to the Exchange contacts, client reported not being able to see the updated version.  All contacts are shown correctly when accessing webmail but not from within Outlook.

Outlook 2003 was in this instance configured to use the Exchange mailbox in cached mode, the OAB had not replicated to the local machine after 24 hours, so I followed the instructions in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase Article: Administering the offline address book in Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007

To Force Outlook to update it's OAB (Global Address List)

  • On the Tools menu, point to Send/Receive, and then click Download Address Book.
  • Exit Outlook and then restart it. After Outlook starts, the offline address book download will start one to five minutes later.

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