How to set up our email in Outlook
Here we detail settings for using our email for the popular Outlook client Here is a Flash demonstration of the POP email setup process.
Our email servers support POP and IMAP access. POP is usually used as it keeps all the email on your PC and you don't have to worry about space or quota's generally at all.
IMAP keeps all the email on the email server so you have to manage the generously allocated space that you have. IMAP has many uses however, in various circumstances, for example where two people share the same email box, where you want to access all of your email through the web interface (rather than just what has come in recently) or in various locations using email clients and/or webmail. (Please note however that Outlook is a terrible IMAP client as it does not store the Sent Items properly, RunPCRun recommends Mozilla Thunderbird when using IMAP)
- The first time you start Outlook you will be prompted through a series of setup boxes. (or you can access this from Tools > Accounts > add new account)
- In the first option window check the box for Internet only
- Enter your name
- Enter your email address
- Choose your incoming mail server -either POP or IMAP. Select this from the pull down box. If unsure please choose POP.
- Your incoming server name is (If you chose IMAP in the previous step, please use
- Your outgoing server (SMTP) name is the name of your internet service provider's outgoing SMTP mail server. You need to get the name or address from your ISP. (If this is Andrews and Arnold then SMTP address is If you are setting up on a laptop and move location then use and tell it to authenticate with your login details.)
- Your account name and password is your email address and password. Do not use your ISP name and password.
- Do not check the box for secure password authentication.
- Do not ask to view any folders at this time.
- Normally you will check the box - I will establish my internet connection manually
You may access your email (IMAP) or uncollected email (POP) also via our web interface at (or using your full email address and password.
If you have any issues, please email (using the web interface if necessary) support at