The Free IT Support Engineers Toolkit

(If you are looking for first-class IT support in London, please feel free to contact us)

We carry around a lot of software on our USB keys these days in order to assist in doing our job. Here is the main selection of the software we keep on it.

Installations for New PC's

Standard to all

Other common needs

  • Images
    • Viewing/Managing Images
      • Photo management and viewing - Picasa - Useful for people managing a lot of images.
    • Quick resize
    • Photoediting
    • HTML Slideshow - create an HTML slide show of your digital pictures.
  • Email
    • Anti-spam for Outlook - Spambayes (We offer anti-spam relays for Exchange servers)
    • Email client (and Usenet/RSS) - Thunderbird
  • Office - OpenOffice - free office suite to use and distribute
  • VPN - OpenVPN - full-featured SSL VPN solution
  • VoIP -
    • Proprietary - Skype - Famous VoIP software
    • Open - X-lite - Uses the SIP standard for inter-operability.
  • Map/Survey - Google Earth
  • Defrag - JKDefrag

Special Purpose

Diagnostics & Removal



Monitoring (can be run direct from USB)

  • Dependency Walker - scans any Windows module and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules
  • DiskMon - logs and displays all hard disk activity
  • Filemon - displays file system activity on a system in real-time
  • PortMon - displays all serial and parallel port activity
  • Process Explorer - shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded
  • Pstools - SysInternals 'Resource Kit'
  • RegMon - Real-time Registry monitoring utility
  • TCPView - detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system. Graphical netstat
  • TokenMon - monitors and displays a variety of security-related activity taking place on a system
  • Winobj - display information on the NT Object Manager's name space
  • autoruns - show all auto-starting locations, like HijackThis.
  • WinsockXPFix - simple winsock fix. Seems to work a bit better than netsh int ip reset sometimes.

Spyware, malware & program removal

Engineer workstation

Migration Tools



  * means there is some referral or partnership with these suppliers via the links given. Check out our stance on reviews and recommendations


Dont forget SIW.exe!! Amaaaaazing diagnostic utility in a single exe file. Truly an invaluable addition to any USB key collection.
Get it here:

Yes, SIW is very good, but I didn't forget it. The license permits free, NON-commercial use. However for commercial use it is not free and hence not included in my list.

I fail to see how this omission is justified when you already have another piece of recommended software that does not provide a free commercial solution. "# XnView - View and convert graphics files - not free for commercial use". Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like these are both in the same category, wherein they both require paid commercial licensing.

Fair comment. It was a mistake made I carried over some of this article from an older one. I have removed it from the list.