
Sony Vaio Blue Screen Error

The Problem 

Recently I had a problem with my Vaio constantly blue screening with different errors each time. Further investigation of the errors led me nowhere, however, whilst trying everything I could think of I stumbled upon the problem.

It was the wireless!

The machine would function quite happily until I switched on the wireless device and then it would die.

The Solution 

Go to: http://www.    


Reincarnation of Phobos

I have been setting up the reincarnation of Phobos as a W2k3 server.

Install went ok.
Couldn't RDP to it for a while there, then checked the System Properties and enabled RDP Access :D
Set up the printer.
Set up an _template user with fields with %username% not %user% makes it nice when creating new users :)
Created folders for shares.
