Submitted by Nelo Naicker on April 29, 2015 - 10:00am
runPCrun supports companies who are executive search and recruitment sectors. Many of these companies use software provided by Invenias.
This software has an Outlook plugin and we've seen problems with it hanging badly, when used in conjunction with ESET Antivirus softwares Outlook plugin.
The simple solution is to disable or uninstall the ESET plugin.
Submitted by Dan White on November 23, 2008 - 9:57pm
This community-driven site geared towards any embedded NAS device or vendor. The wiki is a place for gathering general hacking info for linux based NAS devices so it can be reused more easily.
Submitted by Chris Wolfe on October 16, 2008 - 1:31pm
Today I had a user call about a problem with iTunes not finding any music after migrating to Vista. The problem was that they'd not kept all their music in the "iTunes Music" directory and it was spread out all over the "My Documents" directory on the old machine, and the username was also different so the default link that Vista creates (from "Documents and Settings" to "Users") wouldn't work.